Pickup and Delivery

delivery truck

The pickup & delivery system provides to companies who needs to deliver and pickup packages from different locations, a reliable and precise tool for supervising and managing drivers in real-time.

The system is equipped with all of the tools a company requires to manage drivers and supervise their activity in real-time from any location at any given moment. The system allows for complete control over drivers, stops, routes, route scheduling, periodical shift timetable management, packages to deliver and pickup etc.

The system provides an accurate situation reports at all times for drivers, routs, packages status, all in real-time.  The system allows both, managers and drivers, to remain connected at all times as well as send and receive reports for the entire shift duration.

System Purposes

The system is designed for any company who has drivers, routes,  stops, pickup & delivery activities, timed visits according to desired schedules and real-time supervision ability. for example:

  • Delivery Companies
  • Currier Service
  • Specimen Pickup
Office System Operation

All system settings and office operation are set up on Patrol-IT server, and consists of the following actions:

  • Site and stops setup
  • Define drivers and routes
  • Schedule regular and on-demand stops
  • Definition of irregularity types
  • Alerts notification definitions
  • Mailing list definition for notifications and alerts
  • Assign products to deliver for each location by scanning barcodes on the boxes
  • Call center can add tentative stops
  • End users can add their stops to the bound route
  • Call center / end users can optionally define the number of bags to pick up in their location
  • Show / print route summary report
  • Show exceptions report and respond to exception alerts
Field System Operation

Field operation of the system by a driver is simple and intuitive, consisting of the following actions:

  • The driver identifies himself at the beginning of his shift by reading his personal tag or by entering his user code and password
  • At the end of identification he receives his intended route
  • Review the list of stops in the beginning of the day
  • Review deliveries and check all boxes were loaded
  • Optionally scan all barcodes to confirm
  • Drive to the next site and review site locations
  • Arrive at a location, touch NFC to confirm
  • Pick up the bags, scan one by one to confirm
  • Report an exception in case of quantity discrepancy
  • Fill an exception form, take a photo of the box
  • Scan the delivery box to confirm the right package was taken
  • In the end of the day, review / print route summary report and confirm the number of bags
Real-time supervision and tracking

All of the data is transmitted from the field, recorded and saved on the Patrol-IT servers.  The data is then analyzed in real-time, while automatic notifications will be sent to the mailing list according to system definitions, delays in location visits and for alerts and exception reported by the driver.

Additionally the system displays the situation of field activities at any given moment through:

  • An active dashboard which displays graphs of all drivers activity in the field, route progress rates and notifications and exceptions reports made by active drivers
  • Produces reports with various cross analyses of system data such as :
    • Route completion compared to planned schedules
    • Unvisited locations
    • Delays
    • Show all drivers on the map
    • Show traces by stops
    • List of goods picked up with barcodes
    • Quantity differences in stops